Thursday, March 27, 2008

Red Creek Trial

I can't believe I'm actually excited about going to a USBCHA trial. I am usually either terrified or dreading it, or both. For the first time I feel comfortable with our abilities to run in a USBCHA trial. I'm anxiously waiting for the running orders to be posted. Carol Anne told me this morning that the Pro-Novice class had the most entries. The great thing is that she's going to run Pro-Novice after Beginning Novice, Novice/Novice and Nursery which will mean it won't start until around 11. That's great because it means I won't have to leave so early in the morning to get there. As of right now, the weather forecast is sunny and a high of 60 degrees. It keeps changing back and forth between sunny and showers.

Now, making panels, not sure we'll be able to do that so well. I have a horrible time "seeing" panels. My depth perception is horrible! I was told this was normal in women. I wish I could go to the post with binoculars so I could see better. The good thing is that Gel is what they call a "line dog" meaning once a line is set, he'll hold it. That's a good thing, but it can be a bad thing too. There was a time I couldn't pull him off a line. That seems to have been straightened out. The other problem we may have is his tendency to over-flank. I'm working on teaching him half flank whistles. It will come. Gel is not even four years old yet. He's been EXTREMELY slow maturing. I used to say I wouldn't see the real Gel until he was four, but I'm thinking it may even be older than that. We've come so far in just a year.

The great thing is, Gel is used to working at Red Creek and the sheep are really, really nice. There are going to be strong draws given the sheep are being run at home, but hopefully I can figure out the draws prior to running. I don't know what field she's going to use for Pro-Novice and Open Ranch, forgot to ask that this morning. Carol Anne doesn't allow her stock to be abused and it shows. I'm honored that she lets me come to her farm and work her sheep without her supervision. She knows I respect sheep and won't abuse them.

There was a time that I didn't care much for sheep. That has changed. I like them very much now.